Month: June 2017

Alter Ego or “Altar” Ego…What does the real “me” look like?

Alter Ego or “Altar” Ego…What does the real “me” look like?

“Don’t rely too much on labels, for too often they are fables.” – Charles H. Spurgeon Ps.139:13,14 “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, 

Lust and Tassels – Part 2: The Power to overcome temptation!

Lust and Tassels – Part 2: The Power to overcome temptation!

“Holiness is not freedom from temptation, but the power to overcome temptation.” – G. Campbell Morgan “Be killing lust or it will be killing you.” John Owen One of the things that I love about the Bible is that in many ways, the Old and 

Word for today! This is YOUR season, mighty man/women of valor!

Word for today! This is YOUR season, mighty man/women of valor!

The following word I received this morning and I felt led to share it with you. God showed me that many people are looking to flee from their circumstances or current season. They are saying and thinking “if only I can get out of this situation” or “Can’t wait for the next season”… If this is you, then today God is saying to you that in Christ: we are more than “conquerors” through Him who loves us (Rom.8:27), we are “game changers” and do not allow the game to change us! We were made to overcome. We are “overcomers”!

You were made to walk into a room of people and influence the “vibe”, change the atmosphere instead of being changed by it. When a king enters a room, heads turn and the atmosphere is influenced because royalty has entered the room. You are a child of the King of all kings and this makes you a king. We are not thermometers indicating the temperature, we are thermostats determining the temperature! When we pray “on earth as it is in heaven” we are NOT praying for an environment of survival!! Hope not for the next season to come…flourish TODAY in THIS season! God is saying to you now, just like He said to Gideon who thought nothing of himself at the time…”The LORD is with you, you mighty man/women of valor!” (Jud.6:12) Definition of valor: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.

Though it may be dark, notice the diamonds all around you and pick them up!! These ones will only be found in THIS season! (And yes the season WILL change but don’t miss out on the blessings while you are still in this one!) How do you see the diamonds??? Look to God and keep your eyes on Him and you will see His glory reflect from them. YOU have been given all the “tools” to be content today, at peace today! Wait on the Lord!! It is said of Martin Luther that the busier he became, the more time he spent in prayer. The more responsibilities he had, the earlier he got up in the morning to meet with the King. Spend time in your “control room”, get your orders and equipment for the day, He KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED NOW! And soon you will also be able to say wholeheartedly right now, today and in THIS season…It is well with my soul!

Lust and Tassels – Part 1: When desires disturb the Lordship of Jesus in your life…

Lust and Tassels – Part 1: When desires disturb the Lordship of Jesus in your life…

“Revenge, lust, ambition, pride, and self-will are too often exalted as the gods of man’s idolatry; while holiness, peace, contentment, and humility are viewed as unworthy of a serious thought.” – Charles Spurgeon “Lust – that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and 

LISTEN!! …are you hard of hearing or have you been eating mixed seed? Reality versus Truth!

LISTEN!! …are you hard of hearing or have you been eating mixed seed? Reality versus Truth!

I have something interesting to share with you which God revealed to me a while ago. There are two examples from the Bible I will be sharing and both of them you might never have read this way before. It is all about your “ears”!