Tabernacle of Meeting Part 4: Christ in me – One tea for two?

Tabernacle of Meeting Part 4: Christ in me – One tea for two?

“Do not allow a theology of powerlessness to take hold of you. We are in Him and He is in us, which guarantees our overcoming.” – Graham Cooke

As you read my blog, you might have noticed how I talk of Jesus as being very real to me in my every day walk. That is because He is. He is a Person, He is ALIVE (Hallelujah!!) and He is with us in Spirit wherever we go. The way I relate to Him might be different from the way you do and that is okey. We are all different and unique and we have unique relationships with Him. My prayer for you is that your relationship with Him (even as you are reading now) will just grow deeper and more intimate by the day!!

In a previous post “Tabernacle of Meeting Part 2”, I mentioned my habit of drinking tea with Jesus in the morning during my quiet time. A few years ago, one morning during prayer, the thought came to mind that if I am meeting with Jesus and expectant for Him to be there, then surely He would like tea too? So I asked Him if we would like to join me and I felt a sure “yes”. I got up, made the tea in a cup that He chose (which became my Jesus cup – only He drinks from it), I asked Him if He would like sugar and felt on my heart He said yes. So I added one sugar. Then He
said “and another spoon” (I don’t drink any sugar – just the way I was raised). I was shocked! I said “Jesus, two sugars are not healthy!!??” and, of course, I burst out laughing because, Hello…what am I saying!!?? I am sure Jesus was laughing too. So ever since me and Jesus has had tea every morning during my quiet time, only His cup came with two sugars. A couple of weeks ago, Jesus challenged me through a friend. Jesus has been talking to me about Col.1:27 “Christ in me, the hope of glory.” and upon sharing this with my friend, he asked me (and I really felt Jesus speaking to me through him): So if it is Christ in you, why, during your morning quiet time, in stead of making two cups of tea rather make only one cup with two sugars, and drink that? (Well, because I cant stand the taste of sugar in my tea! Hahaha!! No I didn’t say that.) I tried this the very next morning and, boy, did Jesus show up!! He loved the idea that I would make one cup for the both of us and drink sugar because it is actually meant for Him inside of me!! I know He is in me, but do I really KNOW it, walk in it, talk it?? Do I truly eat, sleep and breathe the fact that I am dead and Christ lives in and through me? Do you? If we do then we will fear nobody but God, we will not get offended because you cannot really offend a dead person and you cannot offend the living Jesus in us, we will not look to people for help but rather to God – by default!

The day before I started my new habit of “one cup of tea for two” (with two sugars 🙂 ), I had a beautiful experience during prayer. Jesus appeared in front of me, held out His hand and as I took it, we stepped into what looked like a heavenly garden in which the air around us was gold almost like small gold dust “floating” all around us ( I like this – it always tells me of God’s Presence. Gold speaks of glory, divinity, refinement, purification, Spirit, Priesthood, Tabernacle Zech.13:9, Job.23:10), and there He spoke to me about a number of things. One of these things that I feel He releases me to share with you, is a moment where He stood next to me, holding a red rose (rose is symbolic of “Gift of God”. He did not give me this rose but rather, He was smelling it, enjoying the fragrance and watching me as He was doing this as if to say, this sweet smelling fragrance is what I smell like to Him. Knowing myself and my weaknesses, I immediately started saying to Him – “this is all You, Jesus. Only through You. Its not me at all. Its all You in me and through Me.” The next moment I could not see myself or Jesus anymore, instead I saw only a light pink, thick fragrance hanging in the spirit. I wondered where we both went?? And then it was like He said to me: “This is what I died for. This fragrance is Me and you – we are one. This is what happens when you give Me all the honor, when you worship Me. When I am your everything. When you choose Me as your identity.2 Cor. 2:15 “For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” 

As I choose to die to self and follow Christ whole-heartedly, no matter what, it becomes a glorious process of transformation, an adventure of discovering true self in Christ and being set free of bondages such as fear, rejection etc. all to the glory of God! 2 Cor. 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

The Greek word for Glory is “doxa” which means: majesty, a thing belonging to God, a thing belonging to Christ. A MOST GLORIOUS CONDITION.

What a privilege and honour to have Christ in me, the hope of glory! Maybe our focus should shift from ourselves and circumstances and rather focus on He who is in us!! He is greater than he who is in this world (1 John 4:4)!!

How true, then, is this widely known song by Helen Howarth Lemmel: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace….”

The veil was torn!! The price has been paid. Amazing Grace!

Tomorrow morning, have a cup of tea for two. Just you and Jesus. And as you do, take His hand, turn your eyes upon Christ in you and may the things of this world grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!

He is waiting for you, His dearly beloved!

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