In my treasure chest…”Secrets with God”!

In my treasure chest…”Secrets with God”!

“Our obedience is God’s pleasure when it proves that God is our treasure.” – John Piper

My question to you today is: Do you have “Secrets with God”?

Ever thought about it? I mean, if you are in a relationship with God instead of just being religious, well then this relationship with Him is alive? Yes. And you talk to Him daily? Yes. And He shares things with you? Yes. So ever thought that it might be that some of those things are meant just for your ears alone?? Oh YES, beloved of the Most High!!!! There are things that He knows only YOU will be able to truly understand, appreciate or enjoy.

One morning, during my quiet time, I was having a cup of my favorite tea which I had bought in Egypt. As always, I had made two cups – one for me and one for Jesus (my Guest you know!) and as I was drinking it, I was thinking back to those very special moments and experiences I had in Egypt with Jesus. And the fact that, even though I have tried my best to share my adventures with everyone I know by telling them my stories, that only Jesus truly knew what I meant. He shared those with me. How precious! Later, while washing our cups, I said out loud: “Yes Lord, those were truly special times, hey!” And suddenly He invaded my thoughts and He whispered clearly in my heart: “Thank You for allowing Me to be a part of it. For wanting to invite Me into your everyday life.” Immediately I burst out in tears. The King of all kings thanks me?? Of course, I WANT Him part of it, I want Him part of it all!!! But the point is, there I had such a special moment with Him, acknowledging that we shared something. It is deep, it is sacred and it is hidden. Nobody can steal it. Those are not only secrets with God but those are my “treasures”. It is worth more than money can buy and it lasts forever.

Secrets with God can come in different forms and these are a few I could think of (I’m sure there are many more)…

  • Someone might have asked you for prayer and as you were praying for the specific situation or person, God might have revealed things to you which you only needed to pray about and then leave at His throne.
  • You and God can share personal jokes…find that strange? Well, God is not always just serious, He can be funny too. Your kind of funny. He has your sense of humor, you know. You’re His child!
  • A while ago, a pastor was saying: “Discernment is God starting a conversation with you.” I love that! We easily discern something of someone and then talk about it with others. That’s gossip and it is wrong! I will say it again. Discernment is God starting a conversation with you. When you discern, ask Him what you should do about the specific situation, what should you pray. God obviously trusts you enough to share something with you in order to help someone else or to intercede for them.
  • When you need to forgive someone who sinned against you…well many times that means to humble yourself, even though the other person was wrong and you were right, to forgive that person with your whole heart. Once again, God only knows truly the pain or hurt or anger you feel. You can tell others but God knows you best. These are secrets with God too. Things your share that nobody else will really ever understand. And when you do forgive whether it is deserved or not, God knows what it cost you. How difficult it was. And you still did it.

A few years ago I went to a church service and there I bumped into an old friend who once wronged me in some way. I immediately realized that I had not truly forgiven this person yet and that I was still hurt. During worship, Jesus clearly told me “forgive this person” and immediately I did it. He was helping me to do it because I was willing. As I forgave in my heart, I experienced something that felt like ropes falling off me, like bondages that were now broken. The next moment I saw, in the spirit, Jesus standing in front of me and it was like I was standing with Him in the room where He was having His last meal with the disciples just before He was crucified. He knew what was coming. He already knew what was going to happen to Him, still, He forgave. I was experiencing some other things too but the point is we were having a moment… He was saying “I know how hard it is for you to forgive. We share this. You are doing this for Me.”

Another time I was with a group of people and due to events I felt extremely alone and rejected because I was not agreeing with what they were doing and saying. I knew I was singled out and they did too. I was logistically not able to leave yet and quietly had to “bite the bullet” alone for the time that I still had to be in the situation. “Dying a thousand deaths” got a whole new meaning to me, if you know what I mean. I was deeply hurt by the events but kept it for myself as it was clearly not the time and place to talk about it. And as the end drew near and we were all walking somewhere, it was as if the spirit realm went open in front of me, I saw myself wearing a beautiful red ball gown and as I was walking down what seemed like a golden corridor, there were angels all along the way, cheering me on and Jesus was standing at the end of it. Nobody knew I was experiencing this, nobody would ever know what that meant to me at that specific moment but God knows. Me and Him.

Secrets with God makes me think of His hands closed in a cup and sometimes He will lift His one hand to show you the beautiful pearl inside. Those times are more valuable than gold and worth treasuring. Those times where He reveals His heart, shares a moment with you, when He enjoys the fact that you actually not only acknowledge His Presence, but welcome Him in your everyday life. And sometimes during those moments with God, you will also notice that not all of them were meant to be shared with others. Some of them were just for you, God loving on you and enjoying your fellowship, trusting you with His secrets.

Beloved, you are so special to the King. Look for, expect and embrace those intimate moments with Him. They are happening more often than you know! Be expectant!

Matt.13:45,46 “…the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

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