And then God said …
“Creation is the canvas on which God has painted His character.” – Author unknown
Genesis 1:1-3a “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good... “
It has happened before that when I read Genesis 1, I find it comforts me in a strange way. I try to imagine how things were when all creation was still perfect and not corrupted by sin. Created by the master Artist of all times: every animal, plant and material was formed and designed with much care and detail, beautiful. I try to fathom this God Who created all of this out of nothing. There was a clean, white canvas and “then God said…” and the earth and the expanse as we know it, came to being. All happened when “God said”! And God saw that it was GOOD!
We might be feeling as if our lives currently seems to be without form and void as if we are really going nowhere slowly. Or maybe we feel emotionally in a dark place, where we have debased ourselves or where we have been debased by others. Whatever the case might be, it reflects in our decisions, relationships, at work, in our family and in our health. We need to make the decision today to surrender every area of our lives to God. To allow Him to SPEAK over ourselves, our family, our job, our finances. To remind us of our value to Him, what He thinks of us. The problem in paradise started when the serpent spoke to Eve and she LISTENED! We were given the awesome gift of free will so we may choose: Either we follow the enemy and his schemes or we follow God. Who will we LISTEN to?
“For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens (He is God!), Who formed the earth and made it (He established it; He did not create it empty, He formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the Lord, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:18
Earth was formed with a purpose: to be inhabited! You were created with a purpose and only God, Your Creator, can reveal to you your purpose and calling in Him!
We don’t have to look far to see the result of when man listens to the enemy. We see it all over the news, social media, in our families and in the lives of our friends and colleagues. We see it in nature where man was given the authority to rule and reign over the animals but man chose to listen to the enemy and the enemy simply stepped in and destroyed everything that was originally created so beautiful and perfect. But through the blood of Jesus, the second Adam, who already paid for our sins 2000 years ago, we have the opportunity today to be forgiven and to make a brand new choice. To start a brand NEW day. To present ourselves to God just the way we are: seemingly void, corrupted by sin, broken by the words and deeds of others, darkness in our deepest deep, and then… God said! The Creator of the whole universe starts to speak over us, calling out those plans and the purpose He had in mind for us since before we were born. In the beginning God said and all creation came to being in absolute beauty and splendor, displaying LIFE in abundance as it was originally intended to be! We can not ever start to imagine what greatness and beauty this Creator will perform in our lives when we allow Him to speak over us AND when we LISTEN??
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9
“But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”1 Corinthians 2:9