“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.” Brene Brown
This is so true… If there is no gratitude then nothing seems to be a privilege anymore. Nothing is appreciated anymore.
We grow up in a culture of entitlement, living from a place of constantly thinking and as a result, though, it seems to be stealing more joy from us than we realize. We feel entitled to have certain rights, luxuries, good food, a roof over our heads (bigger the better), a shiny car, a warm bed, good facial products, the latest braai equipment, the list goes on and on…..
“A sense of entitlement is a cancerous thought process that is void of gratitude and can be deadly to relationships, businesses and even nations.” Steve Maraboli
What does the Bible say?
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess.5:16-18
In Numbers 11, we read of the Israelites complaining of not having meat to eat. Interesting, it says there that the “mixed multitudes” with them were “yielding to intense craving” and then the Israelites also complained. This after God had saved them from slavery in Egypt, took them through the Red Sea, led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and fed them with manna daily which God said to Moses He will “rain down from heaven bread for them to eat” (Ex.16:4). Two questions: Why did they really complain? Why did they not feel the liberty to ask God for meat instead of complaining.
They complained because… they had been listening to the “mixed multitudes”, just like we listen to the world (facebook, google, what “they” say) and measure our lives, lifestyles, and families to the worldly example of what success and happiness should look like. (see these two blog posts for more on this topic https://biltongwithjesus.co.za/listen-are-you-hard-of-hear…/ and (https://biltongwithjesus.co.za/lust-and-tassels-part-1-whe…/)
They did not feel free to ask God for meat because… there was no thankfulness in their hearts and because only Moses enquired on their behalf. We don’t read of any of them really having a relationship with God or any communication with Him without it going through Moses. They felt entitled to “fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic” instead of looking to the God who has been providing for them until that moment in many miraculous ways and Who promised a land of milk and honey (Ex.3:17). It seems to me that they were blinded by entitlement.
Roland Baker once said during a sermon “God owes me nothing.” When you live from that perspective then everything He does for you becomes a blessing and a treat.
Living without entitlement removes your narrow vision of what you think is good and it opens your eyes to a much broader, unlimited kingdom of God’s goodness and abundance for you – which you would never really notice or enjoy when looking through the limited vision of entitlement.
God does things His way. Ask God today, where in your life do you need to repent entitlement and then start giving thanks in everything. Through this you will be creating a space for Him to be God in your life again, to answer your prayers the way He wants to and soon the miraculous ways of the miraculous God we serve will become more evident and real to you. Leaving behind entitlement, stepping away from it and stepping into a whole new realm of Kingdom. Suddenly the key of “thankfulness” will fit perfectly and His promises will be unlocked and manifested in your life. I cannot help but see a connection between a life without entitlement and purity. This will take His holiness in your life to a whole new level!