Fools rush in where angels fear to tread…

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread…

Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source.” – Bill Johnson

Its that time of year again where everything is a rush – the last appointments for the year, final business deals, Christmas shopping,

year-end functions, finalizing of holiday plans, etc… It seems days are too short for what needs to be done, time flies too quick and you find yourself running around to assure your list of “to do’s” gets ticked on time. Before long, one of the things that suffer as a result of the rush is your daily quiet time with Jesus. There is just not enough time in your busy schedule for your normal amount of time with Him, but “don’t worry Jesus, next year when things ‘are back to normal’ You will have Your quality time with me again…”.

This year, as I am pondering the “season madness” and whether it is truly worth the rush and stress, Holy Spirit once again reminded me of Mary in John 12 where she poured out the costly oil on Jesus’ feet after which she wiped it clean with her hair. Judas complained that this costly oil could have been sold and the money used for the poor. Careful before you judge Judas now! Many times we reason in the same ways. Once again though, good ideas are not necessarily God ideas. This story of Mary is so symbolic of our time with Jesus. Mary was willing to give the best of the best to Jesus, it cost her something but to her, Jesus was worth every drop. Even when others were judging her for it.

I’m reminded of a teaching by Angus Buchan in which he said to rise very early in the morning and spend quality time with God. The reply from a farmer at the meeting was: “Work on my farm starts early, I can’t afford to give that time to God” upon which Angus replied: “My friend, you cannot afford not to“. And I think of miracle upon miracle I have seen of how God honors our businesses/family etc when we honor Him with the best of the best of our day.

You see it is not about our good deeds, it is all about intimacy with the King. Making time for Jesus especially during the festive season, humbling yourself through pouring the best of your best on His feet, wiping it with your hair because He is worth it. And yes some days it will cost you something. But what a privilege! You see…2000 years ago you were worthy, intimacy with you cost Him something, it cost Him His life. In return He asks you for your time, for “just a few minutes more”, He longs for time with you. Even when it costs you something. And as you do that, you will find yourself entering into a new depth of intimacy with the King. An appreciating, loving, Bridegroom Who loves to give and give and give in ABUNDANCE. This is the greatest gift you will receive this season, it has eternal value and from that place of receiving from Him, you will be able to give from the overflow to others. Peace will fill your day, things and responsibilities will fall into place, the craziness of this season will be something of the past. As I am typing this, I hear Him whisper to each one of us… “I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you’re yet to be. Come away, my beloved…

Whatever God is urging you to clear away cannot begin to be compared to what He ultimately wants to bring you.” – Beth Moore

We are made in the image of God; we carry within us the desire for our true life of intimacy and adventure. To say we want less than that is to lie.” – John Eldredge



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