I am that I am…For I am the LORD, I do not change…
“There are 256 names given for the Lord Jesus Christ, and I suppose this was because He was infintely beyond all that any one name could express.” Billy Sunday
Do you know the Names of God? There are many…. God my: Healer, Provider, Holiness, Righteousness, Peace, Banner, etc. God has MANY Names and the focus of this blog post is not to investigate each of the Names as much as it is to make emphasis on having faith in Who God truly is/wants to be in your life. If you are interested to read more about God’s Names, then please take a look at this link: https://www.allaboutgod.com/names-of-god.htm#. Get to know this AWESOME God of yours!!! He is unchanging and therefore His Names will remain. Who He is will remain.
During church Sunday I heard a pastor speak about: “God IS and therefore He will!” I love that!! God’s Names are not what He shall do for me. They are WHO HE IS to me.
So, for example, when you pray to God for Peace, remember this is one of His Names! Jehovah Shalom. Jehovah meaning “the unchanging, eternal, self existent God, I am that I am” and Shalom meaning “Peace”. His Name litterally meaning “I am that I am Peace”. This is Who He is and this is Who you are praying to! So He IS Peace. It is not just a decision for Him to provide you with Peace. He is it.
Recently I was praying for someone and God started speaking about “surrender”. He was saying to this lady that she needs to surrender every part of her life to Him in order for Him to have full Lordship over her life. She needs to tell Him what is on her heart. She needs to be open with Him, honest with Him, to allow Him into those areas where she has pain and uncertainty. Yes, God knows everthing and also our thoughts and wrestles, but when we voice it to Him then it means we are consciesly make a choice to allow Him into that area. We are surrendering that pain or anger or uncertainty to Him, we invite Him into it. And then…God is! He will not “do”, He IS. He will not “bring” Peace, He will BE Peace. He will not “bring” Healing, He IS Healing, etc. If you acknowledge Him for who He IS, He will BE just that to you in whatever situation you are facing.
Ex. 4:13,14 “Then Moses said to God, ‘Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel to say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘what is His name?’ what shall I say to them?’ And God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, ‘Thus you sall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.’
Jesus was on the boat with the disciples during the storm. They were fearing for their lives but Jesus was sleeping. He IS Peace. The women with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and she was healed. Jesus IS Healing. Their secret? They reached out to Him. You cannot meet with God, be touched by Him (and you will when you meet with Him) and leave unchanged! It is impossible. You cannot surrender a issue to God, allow Him into it with all your heart and then see the issue unchanged. Its impossible! When He enters, so does all of Who He is. And every thing changes. As it is in Heaven so it shall be on earth!
So I ask you again… do you know Who God truly is – do you know His Names??