My Book

My Book

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

I am extremely excited to announce the release of my first book: The Shadow of Heavenly Things!

I absolutely believe this book was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit – it was His idea and I invited Him to take over all through the writing of it. He instructed me to fast from food whenever I was writing and He caused me to spend half of 2018 and most of 2019 in seclusion so all my attention was mainly focussed on “His” book. It was both a tough and awesome year of waiting on Him, doing research and receiving awesome new revelations. I learned to trust Him on a whole deeper level and I saw Him move in miraculous ways with every detail regarding the book: starting with the original idea, the chapter layout, the testimonies, the editing, the design of the cover, printing costs, etc.

What is the book about?

This book is about YOU. Ever wonder why your relationship with God seems to be different from other people? God desires a unique relationship with each one of us and to be able to fully walk in it the way He planned us to, He provided us with a blueprint: The Tabernacle. As you embark on this journey of discovery and revelation, the “Shadow of Heavenly Things” will come alive as never before. Included in this book you will find 51 testimonies by people from different countries and diverse walks of life. Testimonies that are brutally honest, real and free of pretense: the way our relationship with God was meant to be!

Tell me more, please…

Not many of us know what the Tabernacle looked like and how it functioned. We tend to skip that part of the Bible and often find it boring. By doing this we are missing out on awesome revelations which applies even till today! This book briefly explains the structure of the Tabernacle. In Hebrews 8:5 we read that Moses was commanded by God to build the Tabernacle “according to the copy and shadow of heavenly things”.

Research and scripture proves that there was more to the Tabernacle of the Old Testament than what it was practically used for those days. It is rich in symbolic meaning which is explained in this book by use of scripture. Ultimately the Tabernacle is a detailed, God given blue print of our relationship with God and of what it means when God makes His “dwelling” with us. I attempted to “paint a picture” of what the original Tabernacle looked like by quoting scripture and explaining the symbolic meaning of each article within the tabernacle in detail and how it is applicable to us today.

The Chapters of the book are based on the structure and different facets of the Tabernacle. It starts in the Outer Court where one enters in through the first curtain called “The Way” (Jesus), which was also the only way into the actual Tabernacle. And from there each Chapter is about moving into and through the Outer Court, deeper into the Holy Place and ultimately into the Holy of Holies.

Every chapter includes testimonies relating to each specific topic – in total there are 51 testimonies. These testimonies are from different people from different walks of life and from a variety of countries around the world. The aim is to showcase their unique experiences with God related to each topic: A phenomenology. Often we tend to look to “others” and the way they associate or communicate with God where in actual fact we should be pursuing our own relationship with Him in our own unique way as we were created.

This book aims to inspire the reader to explore the different facets of the Tabernacle, their symbolic meanings and how the reader can practically apply these God-given guidelines in his/her life. It is focused on challenging the reader to delve deeper in their own unique journey with God

Who will enjoy reading it?


If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus yet, it might convince you to do so when you read how God so lovingly and passionately invites us into a romance-relationship with Him which you will NEVER be able to experience in equal manner with another living being. So beware! This book will change your life forever!

If you are a believer, well then you will absolutely love it. There is so much to learn about this awesome God and His desire to have fellowship with us in our own unique way. Even if you have been in ministry for the past 80 years, I am convinced that you will still find something in this book you didn’t know. The heart behind this book and my absolute prayer is that it will inspire you to delve deeper and to pursue more intimate relationship with Jesus than ever before.

These are good reasons why this book will also be a great birthday or Christmas gift because it has something for everyone. I pray, trust and believe that whoever reads this book will be blessed and deeply touched by it, in Jesus Name!



So… where do I purchase my own copy (and maybe a few more to use as gifts)?

I am glad you asked! 😉

  • You can order your copy  from the “Print on Demand Online Bookstore” at R150 each by clicking on this link: The Shadow of Heavenly Things
  • You can also purchase a copy of the book from me (while stocks last). I will include a bookmark at no cost and will most gladly sign the book for you!  Send me an email at to place your order today!