Author: Janine Joubert

Word for today! This is YOUR season, mighty man/women of valor!

Word for today! This is YOUR season, mighty man/women of valor!

The following word I received this morning and I felt led to share it with you. God showed me that many people are looking to flee from their circumstances or current season. They are saying and thinking “if only I can get out of this 

Lust and Tassels – Part 1: When desires disturb the Lordship of Jesus in your life…

Lust and Tassels – Part 1: When desires disturb the Lordship of Jesus in your life…

“Revenge, lust, ambition, pride, and self-will are too often exalted as the gods of man’s idolatry; while holiness, peace, contentment, and humility are viewed as unworthy of a serious thought.” – Charles Spurgeon “Lust – that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and 

LISTEN!! …are you hard of hearing or have you been eating mixed seed? Reality versus Truth!

LISTEN!! …are you hard of hearing or have you been eating mixed seed? Reality versus Truth!

I have something interesting to share with you which God revealed to me a while ago. There are two examples from the Bible I will be sharing and both of them you might never have read this way before. It is all about your “ears”! 🙂 – 1. Choosing what you listen to/ who you listen to. 2. Believing God and what He sais about you no matter what! Please note, once again, these are revelations He gave me and, I believe, Holy Spirit led conclusions for it. He might show you something different which is great. A well-known pastor once said that every time he opens the Bible he asks the Holy Spirit to help him read it that day as if he has never read it before. And because of this, he has received many different revelations on the same scriptures/stories. The Word of God is truly ALIVE! So here we go…

Lev. 19:19b “…You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you.”

In Numbers we read about Moses and the Israelites in the desert… chapter 11:4-6 tells us…

Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: “Who will give us meat to eat? We remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!””

The Israelites were complaining and crying out for meat. Keep in mind, these are the same people who witnessed the Red Sea part, walked through it, saw God leading them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, saw God’s provision for them through manna and water, etc.

But take a look at the first part of verse 4….. “mixed multitude who were among them”. Ever noticed the “mixed multitude” or wondered who they were? Zondervan Bible Commentary explains: “Mixed multitude/rabble is a term for the non-Israelite mixed group of people who followed the Israelites out of Egypt, pointing to a recurring source of complaints and trouble in the camp. Those who did not know the Lord and His mercies incited those who did know him to rebel against Him.” Now isn’t that a little piece of detail we easily missed!!? You can’t help but wonder just how many of the problems/doubts/unbelief among the Israelites actually originated not from them but rather from the “mixed multitude”?

By reading this, I once again felt God reminding me of being careful to whom I lend my ears. Where do I go for advice in my personal life and issues? Will I listen to people who do not know the Lord yet, though they are very convincingly sure of themselves – worldly wise? Do I listen to people who might be “Christians” but have no living relationship with God and therefore will give “good” advice out of own knowledge and experience? Or will I listen to people who knows God intimately, listens to Him and will seek His heart for me when I need help/advice/comfort? Wisdom would be to choose the last option. I can have many friends but I have only a few (according to the leading of
Holy Spirit) to whom I pour my heart out and from whom I take advice.

Another example which God showed me one morning was in Exodus with the Gold Calf. Many times, during prayer, God would show me how He puts earrings on my ears which, in that moment, was always symbolic of what He was saying about me. Who I am, the plans He has for me, Who He is and Who He wants to be to me. He adorns me with Himself by speaking over me and I hear and receive. Just the same, while praying for someone else and speaking the beautiful things God shows me for that person, I will see a picture of how He is hanging earrings on the person – sometimes they are golden, or with pearls, or diamond earrings etc. Always beautiful. 🙂

Rom.10:17 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Luk.4:21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Ezek.16:12 “And I put a jewel on your nose, earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.

There are many examples of the “earrings” which God hung on the ears of the Israelites. One of these was a promise in Ex. 3:8 “So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey….

Later we read in Exodus 32 that Moses had gone up the Mountain to meet with God. But he was taking too long, according to the Israelites.

Ex.32:1,2 “Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people gathered together to Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.”And Aaron said to them, “Break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to me.” So all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron. And he received the gold from their hand, and he fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made a molded calf.

The Israelites were wondering – is Moses coming back? They started to fear. What was their mistake? They were looking to Moses who sought God on their behalf, instead of looking to God. They had forgotten what God had said about them. So it was just fitting when Aaron answered their plea, that he told them in verse 2 to take off their “earrings”, to hand them over and from that, the golden calf was fashioned. An idol/god came from unbelief. They were listening to each other instead of believing what God said. My friend, you can serve ONLY one God.

Make no mistake, it’s sometimes very easy to rather listen to reality instead of truth! And if you find you have, well, go pick up your earnings from the dirt and put them back on before the enemy fashions an idol of it and it eventually becomes your god! Keep speaking the Truth over your life. What does God say about you? This is who you are. You are His and He has great plans for you. The Bible is full of it. You were created with a purpose and a calling. The enemy knows this and he will try everything to steal that from you! Know this today: God LOVES you more than you will ever know. He has GOOD plans for you. Now, put THAT on your ears! 🙂

Belt of truth: Don’t be caught with your trousers on your feet….

Belt of truth: Don’t be caught with your trousers on your feet….

I believe it is God’s heart that I share something with you today which He showed me a while ago.  Eph.6:14a “….Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth…” So as you know, the Bible speaks of the armor of God and part of the 

Tabernacle of Meeting Part 4: Christ in me – One tea for two?

Tabernacle of Meeting Part 4: Christ in me – One tea for two?

“Do not allow a theology of powerlessness to take hold of you. We are in Him and He is in us, which guarantees our overcoming.” – Graham Cooke As you read my blog, you might have noticed how I talk of Jesus as being very 

Covenant with God: “To have and to hold, for better and for worse, till death do us apart…” is that all? Nope, think again!

Covenant with God: “To have and to hold, for better and for worse, till death do us apart…” is that all? Nope, think again!

Any idea what “Covenant with God” really means? Abraham did…

I did not fully grasp or know the meaning of “covenant” until recently when God not only led me to read more about it, but also asked me to start applying it. Faith is being sure of what we hope for (Heb.11) but how can we have faith if we do not know what we hope for? Do you know what it means to be in covenant with God?

So you might already know the basics…

– Covenant is between two parties with the idea that everything that is mine is now yours and vice versa which also means the poorer party obviously benefits.

– It is permanent.

– Till death do you apart.

Right, so what does going into a covenant with God mean?

One of the patriarchs in the Bible, whom I have a huge amount of respect for, is Abraham. He was truly a “faith giant”and took God on His Word, believed God and, as a result, it was accounted to him for righteousness. Because he believed God, he was called a friend of God. Abraham really grasped what it meant to be in covenant with someone and especially with God!! He took it seriously and this was the key to many doors for him. I love what Spurgeon said: “Little faith brings the soul to heaven, but great faith brings heaven to the soul.”

In Genesis 15 God makes a covenant with Abraham (then still Abram) after making three promises to him: That He will be his Shield and very great Reward (v.1), that he will have descendants as many as the stars (v.5) and that Abraham will inherit the land (v.7). The Bible sais Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness (v.5). Abraham asked a sign from God and God made a covenant with Abraham to show how serious He was. (You can read the rest of Gen.15 for yourself).

Lets look at what covenant entailed in the Old Testament. In a nutshell, partners who went in covenant with each other would:

– Exchange coats = which was symbolic for authority

– Exchange weapons = as if to say: your enemies are my enemies and your battles I will fight as if they were m

– walk through the blood of slain animals = pronouncing loyalty to one another even to death.

Abraham saw the fruits of this covenant with God. They had a very special relationship. So what does this mean for you today?

The New Covenant is the promise that God makes with humanity that HE WILL FORGIVE SIN and RESTORE FELLOWSHIP  with those whose hearts are turned toward Him. Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant, and His death on the cross is the basis of the promise. (Luke 22:20)

The Blood covenant with Jesus in the New Testament – when I give my EVERYTHING to Him, in return He gives me His EVERYTHING:

– His Name = (John 16:23) Whatever you ask in Jesus Name, the Father will give you…Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

– His Authority = (Matt.28:18-20) All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. And He lives in us!

– His Armour and weaponry = (Eph.6:10-17) Our enemies are now His enemies and our battles He will fight as if they were His own. The difference is 2000 years ago the battle was already won, Hope is alive and therefore if God is for us then who can really be against us?? Nobody!

Read this again, think about it. Do you now realise how powerful Covenant with God can be if you know what it means?? If you truly walk in it, BELIEVE it like Abraham and receive it for you and your family? The Bible sais “My people perish because of a lack of knowledge!”(Hos.4:6, Prov.10:21, Prov.5:23, Job.36:12) Its the same with the blessings in Deut. 28:1-14. We don’t believe therefore we don’t receive. Faith is being sure of what we HOPE FOR. We do not know yet what to hope for so these things can just not be activated. Faith activates the Kingdom. This is why it is so important to study this powerful Tool and beautiful Love Letter – the Bible. To worship God in Spirit and in TRUTH (John 4:23-24)!

Abraham knew very well what covenant meant those days, and when God went in covenant with him, he took it seriously.

So should we….

That in Jesus Name, through His Authority in and through us, dressed with His armour and weaponry and knowing full well that our battle’s are now His battles and our enemies – His enemies.

Our EVERYTHING in exchange for His EVERYTHING. In this case we are the poorer party and, by the looks of it, we will definitely benefit most. If we would just BELIEVE…

And so, our hearts cry out – Behold what manner of love the Father has lavished on us… (1John3:1)

Wait…So who’s slave are you, anyway?

Wait…So who’s slave are you, anyway?

This is a great question and you need to know the answer. Why? Because this will completely change the way you do life and it could build your faith in a whole different way! The Bible sais in Matt.6:24 “No one can serve two masters; 

Point Break: Get rid of it!!

Point Break: Get rid of it!!

Has God ever used movies to speak to you symbolically? He does that with me all the time! Actually, I always ask Holy Spirit to guide me when choosing a movie to watch and many times I ask Him to interpret whatever movie I am 

Tabernacle of Meeting Part 3: Are you perhaps a “cast sheep”?

Tabernacle of Meeting Part 3: Are you perhaps a “cast sheep”?

Psalm 42:5 “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His Countenance.”

Ever heard of a “cast down” sheep or of a “cast” sheep? I was reading Psalm 42 this morning and God reminded me of the cast sheep that Phillip Keller wrote about in his book “A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23”. This book is definitely worth reading! Trust me, you will never read Psalm 23 the same again. So what is a cast sheep or what does it truly mean to be cast down??

Much of what I will explain in the next paragraph about actual sheep, happens to us sometimes in the spirit or emotionally. Maybe you have experienced this before or maybe this is where you currently find yourself…

A cast sheep is normally a heavy, fat or long fleeced sheep that has turned over on its side to stretch or relax and suddenly the centre of gravity in the body shifts so that it turns on its back far enough that the feet no longer touch the ground. It may feel a sense of panic and start to paw frantically. It rolls over even further until it is quite impossible for it to regain its feet.

A cast sheep is a very pathetic site – lying on its back, feet in the air, in frightened frustration it kicks and moves around to stand up but with no success. If the owner does not arrive within a short time, the sheep will die. It is helpless and vulnerable to attack from predators. As it lies there struggling, gases begin to build up in the rumen. As these expand they tend to retard and cut off blood circulation to extremities of the body, especially the legs.

On the topic of cast sheep, here’s a short excerpt from Phillip Keller’s book: “Again and again I would spend hours searching for a single sheep that was missing…As soon as I reached the cast ewe, my very first impulse was to pick it up…I would hold her erect, rubbing her limbs to restore the circulation of her legs. When the sheep started to walk again, she often stumbled, staggered and collapsed. Little by little the sheep would regain its equilibrium. It would start to walk steadily and surely. By and by it would dash away to rejoin the others, set free from its fears and frustrations, given another chance to live a little longer. All of this pageantry is conveyed to my heart and mind when I repeat the simple statement, “He restoreth my soul!”

One of the great revelations of the heart…given to us by Christ is that of himself as our Shepherd. He has the same identical sensations of anxiety, concern and compassion for cast men and women as… [the shepherd] for cast sheep.”

In Psalm 42 David speaks about being down cast – clearly he knew what it felt like to feel seriously distressed, hopeless and without strength. And we know where he went to find help. Especially when he knew he could no longer help himself. The Psalms are full of it….. in verse 5 towards the end, David said “….Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance.

As I read this verse this morning, what stood out was the Hebrew translation for “help” being “deliverance/aid/victory” and the Hebrew translation for “countenance” read “face, plural for face”. God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. Ps 27:8.When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ My heart said to You, ‘Your face, LORD, I will seek.” 

Our deliverance from hopelessness, fears, bitterness, etc is truly found in His Countenance. When God meets with us. In our Tabernacle of Meeting time with God. You might be in a situation where you feel exactly like a cast sheep. It seems too late, you cant roll over anymore and help yourself, fear and exhaustion is gripping you – but know this: As you cry out to God, He hears you! And may we then join David and be able to testify with him, “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” Ps. 27:13,14

Abraham, Friend of God. Part 1: Abraham’s Faith Confirmed

Abraham, Friend of God. Part 1: Abraham’s Faith Confirmed

  I felt a urgency in my spirit to share the following word with you. It is something God has been talking to me about the last couple of weeks and I feel it is also such a word “in season” for most of us.