Wait…So who’s slave are you, anyway?

Wait…So who’s slave are you, anyway?

This is a great question and you need to know the answer. Why? Because this will completely change the way you do life and it could build your faith in a whole different way! The Bible sais in Matt.6:24 “No one can serve two masters; 

Point Break: Get rid of it!!

Point Break: Get rid of it!!

Has God ever used movies to speak to you symbolically? He does that with me all the time! Actually, I always ask Holy Spirit to guide me when choosing a movie to watch and many times I ask Him to interpret whatever movie I am 

Why “Biltong with Jesus”?

Why “Biltong with Jesus”?

Now that’s a great question! I am glad you asked! 😉 When I had to decide on a name for this blog, there was a few ideas but nothing really “stuck”. During my “quiet time” with Jesus one fine Monday morning (why is it called