Why “Biltong with Jesus”?

Why “Biltong with Jesus”?

Now that’s a great question! I am glad you asked! 😉

When I had to decide on a name for this blog, there was a few ideas but nothing really “stuck”. During my “quiet time” with Jesus one fine Monday morning (why is it called “quiet”, I wonder? It’s never really that quiet!:) ), I was sitting on my carpet just singing to Jesus and the next moment I saw Him sitting opposite me, facing me with a big smile. I was just amazed again at how loving He is. I  felt led to ask Him what He would think will best describe His heart for the blog (after all, it was His idea!). And suddenly I remembered an experience I had with Him about 8 years ago….

You might have seen the cartoon picture of a person sleeping in bed and Jesus sitting on a chair next to his/her bed, so expectant and excited for this person to wake up so together they could enter into the new day once again? Well, the Holy Spirit awakened something in my heart back then through this picture: Jesus is ALWAYS with us. There was a season where this knowledge became a revelation in my heart and during that specific season it was  really alive in me (I don’t know how else to describe it as ALIVE). So when I used to go to bed at night and say good night  to Him like I would any other person,  I would thank Him for the wonderful day and fall asleep feeling content and satisfied. In the morning I would awake with excitement and I would say “Good Morning Jesus! Today is OUR day!” because I knew He is still right there by my side. And He too is extremely excited to see me! 🙂 What a wonderful thought!! I could really feel His excitement for me.

So one such an evening, I was following the same routine: I had switched off my light, wished Him a “good night” and thanked Him for the wonderful day. As I stretched out on my bed with a joyful heart, I suddenly saw Him**(see below) sitting there at the foot of my bed cross-legged. On His lap He had a huge chunk of biltong with a thick layer of fat, just the way I like it ;), and He was slicing off pieces and feeding them to me one at a time. I immediately knew this was not my imagination, as I would never have pictured Jesus on my bed feeding me biltong. But little did I know that, in my journey with Him, I would have many more similar encounters like this one. Through these encounters  I got to know this Jesus – who desires relationship with us more than anything else. A relationship that is real, alive, out of the box and intimate! He knows our hearts, He knows what we like and He loves to enjoy these things with us. Ps.37:4″ Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” That night this scripture became a reality to me!

So, on that  specific Monday morning when Jesus reminded me of this encounter, the name “Biltong with Jesus” popped to mind. I asked Jesus what He thought and He only smiled at me. I felt He loved it as much as I did – as if He was saying “Yep, that’s the one! Perfect!”.

I love the fact that it’s biltong – because what I will share on this blog will be “meaty” but so tasty ;). I pray that Holy Spirit will interpret every word to you, “feed” you what He wants you to receive. The fat on the biltong reminds me of the scripture Is.10:27 “And in that day his burden will depart from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck; and the yoke will be broken because of the fat.” My prayer is that there will be an anointing on this blog which will open ears and eyes to see and hear this beautiful Jesus like never before, that hearts will be renewed and healed in order to know God and to receive all He wants to give through intimacy with Him. Biltong with Jesus!! 

** How do I “see” Jesus? 10 years ago when I gave my life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit came into me and opened my “eyes” to the spiritual realm. God can reveal things to you in many different ways and the way I encounter Him might be different than the way you do and that’s okay. The bottom line is: love Him, seek Him and spend time with Him for who He is. And just like (for example) when you are a mechanic who works on cars: you might have the book knowledge but when you physically work on many cars you get to really know them and understand them. The same with Jesus. Spend time with Him, get to know Him (because He is alive, Hallelujah!!) and soon you will see, hear, experience things that you realize you did not imagine. He will reveal Himself to you in different ways. Matt.5:8  “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Enjoy this extremely fulfilling and adventurous journey!!

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